Welcome to Ellie's Site!


November 21 - As we approach Thanksgiving, I am so very thankful for all that God has given us!  I thank Him every day that he allowed Ellie to stay with us.  What an amazing blessing that is!!  I wanted to give you a quick update on Ellie.

She is in 2nd grade this year.  She loves school and, especially, loves reading.  The library is one of her favorite places!  She is also in ballet and loves to dance. 

For Halloween, she was Bat Girl and I think she truly is a super hero! 

Along with being thankful that Ellie is doing great, I am so thankful to YOU for being with us on this journey.  The support and encouragement we received during this cancer adventure was incredible.  The prayers were strongly felt!

We still go to Children's Hospital every 6 months for a full check-up, including scans, blood work... the whole bit.  They want to monitor her to make sure that the cancer doesn't return.  So far, everything has looked great.  I am reminded of how far we have come when we make our trips to the hospital.  To see the kids in the oncologly area with their sweet bald heads and their determination, I cannot believe that that was once us.  I cannot believe that I used to carry my skeletal chld out of chemo as she was throwing up in the parking lot and could barely sit up enough to be in her car seat.  She was so weak and so sick.  Now, watching her run up and down the block, ride her bike, dance, ... I am so grateful for where we are now.  So thankful to be on this end of the journey.

During this Thanksgiving, please take a moment to pray for all of the kids who are in children's hospitals across the country spending the holiday in a hospital room.  All of the families who will celebrate with cafeteria food. 

And please know how very, very thankful we are to you for your support.  We are very grateful to all of you.  We are grateful to God for His incredible blessing of Ellie and allowing her to stay with us and be healthy and strong.  What an amazing God we have!!  The lessons we were able to learn through this have been incredible.  We thank Him for allowing us to see the blessing through cancer. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

"God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work."  2 Corinthians 9:8

Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 10:41AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments6 Comments | References8 References
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